Hard Freeze when Using FireFox, Unison-GTK, and some other GTK apps

Hard freezes are unpleasant at best. They also prevent you from tracking the source of the problem. You speculate, based on the "familly" of applications you encounter problems with, and try to obtain some resolution. At first it was FireFox. I’ve removed it to install Galeon instead. Didn’t help. I left it at that, and…

Linux IPTables flow

IPTables can be tricky. The concept of chains pointing to chains pointing to chains can get complicated. However, understanding the initial flow, the initial “which chain points where”, and the general concept which can allow, later, for easier NAT, or DNAT, or even knowing where to put a single rule is important. Especially if you…

Web server behind a web server

I’ve acquired a new server which is to supply services to a certain group. On most cases, I would have used PREROUTE chain in my IPTABLES on my router for prerouting, based on a rule such as this: iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i <external_Interface_name> -p tcp -s <Some_IP_address> –dport 80 -j DNAT –to-destination <New_server_internal_IP>:80…