Audit delete commands in Linux

(This article is the essence of a post from this Redhat Archive and it goes as follows: Problem: You need to detect what deletes files on your Linux Solution: Using auditd, with the right flags, you could get a lot of information. In Practice: If the mount point/directory is /oracle, then: (as root:) auditctl –w /oracle -k whodeletedit -p…

Linux answers to ARP who-is on the wrong network interface

Assume a server has two network interfaces as follows: eth0 : eth1 : Let’s assume these interfaces reside on the different VLANs. Lets assume they were connected incorrectly, in such a way that eth0 is connected to VLAN 10, which servers and eth1 is connected to VLAN 2, which serves You…

A new version to kSar

kSar is one of the best tools to display an easy chart based on your system’s SAR metrics collection. kSar has not been developed since sometime in 2013, and it lacks the ability to parse modern Linux sysstat charts, leaving us with some missing info. However – some good soul has taken kSar and forked…