
HP EVA bug – Snapshot removed through sssu is still there

This is an interesting bug I have encountered: The output of an sssu command should look like this: EVA> DELETE STORAGE “Virtual DisksLinuxoracleSNAP_ORACLE” EVA> It still leaves the snapshot (SNAP_ORACLE in this case) visible, until the web interface is used to press on “Ok”. This happened to me on HP EVA with HP StorageWorks Command…


mime_decode-1 FAILED: Can’t locate object method “seek” via package “File::Temp ” at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/MIME/Parser.pm line 816

This is the error message I have seen in my Linux+Postfix+Amavisd-new system. Not only that, but Amavis has kept a copy of each message in its tmp directory, which reduced my /var size to nothing quite rapidly. amavis[21189]: (21189-01) (!)PRESERVING EVIDENCE in /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-200 80103T051116-21189 Doesn’t sound too good. Partial search in google has produced the…