NabRSS 0.4 has been released
This upgrade allows disabling and re-enabling feeds. No need to delete unwanted feeds if you only want it to shut up temporarily. nabrss-0.4.tar.gz
This upgrade allows disabling and re-enabling feeds. No need to delete unwanted feeds if you only want it to shut up temporarily. nabrss-0.4.tar.gz
Many of us use tar (many times with gzip or bzip2) for archiving purposes. When performing such an action, a large file, usually, too large, remains. To extract from it, or to split it becomes an effort. This post will show an example of a small script to split an archive and later on, to…
For the latest (and currently whole) ks.cfg I use, check this link. I have extended the logic there, and got the following out of it. Showing only the %pre section: %pre # By Ez-Aton for i in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do echo $i >> /tmp/vars.tmp done grep “=” /tmp/vars.tmp > /tmp/vars # Parse command line….
Kickstart is a great method of hands-free installation of RHEL/Centos (and other derived systems). Its power is in its easy interface and rather powerful %post scripting directives. Its weakness is in its lack of flexibility where it comes to package selection and various custom actions. On some cases, companies use web interface (usually home-made) which…
For some reason (probably a typo) I’ve missed an important character in an example I gave here, but I have just recently fixed it. Anyhow, to clarify this, here is the extended description of the correction. The $IFS Bash system variable defines what is the default separator between strings. Changing it can help when dealing…
First and unrelated – this is my birthday. It reminds me that another year passed, and generally speaking, I do not take this too well… Due to massive SPAM attacks, my commenting system is turned off for a while now, and I need to see how I can re-enable it safely. Bash – here we…