
Hot-resize disks on Linux

After major investigations around, I came to the conclusion that a full guide describing the procedure required for online disk resize on Linux (especially – expanding disks). I have created a guide for RHEL5/6/7/8 (works the same for Centos or OEL or ScientificLinux – RHEL-based Linux systems) which takes into account the following four scenarios:…

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Ubuntu 18.04 and TPM2 encrypted system disk

*** EDIT *** : An updated version of this post can be found here: https://run.tournament.org.il/ubuntu-20-04-and-tpm2-encrypted-system-disk/ When you encrypt your entire disk, you are required to enter your passphrase every time you boot your computer. The TPM device has a purpose – keeping your secrets secure (available only to your running system), and combined with SecureBoot,…