Customizing the Anaconda Installer Boot Image with product.img

Customizing the Anaconda Installer Boot Image with product.img

Red Hat’s Anaconda installer, used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, and other RHEL-like distributions, offers a powerful customization method through an additional product.img file. This technique allows you to modify the first boot sequence with relative ease. What is product.img? The product.img is an additional image file that can be used to override…

Extracting/Recreating RHEL/Centos6 initrd.img and install.img

A quick note about extracting and recreating RHEL6 or Centos6 (and their derivations) installation media components: Initrd: Extract: Archive (after you applied your changes): /images/install.img: Extract: Archive (after you applied your changes): Additional note for Anaconda installation parameters: I did not test it, however there is a boot flag called stage2= which should lead to…