RaspberryPi Zero loses connectivity
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RaspberryPi Zero loses connectivity

I have had a problem with RPI Zero. The system was working fine, and then it did not. I am using Raspbery Linux (Debian-based) with kernel 5.10.17+. Once a while (usually with network load) the system loses connectivity. Everything seems to be fine, if you have a serial/USB console there, but the wireless network fails….

VNC minimal server on RHEL8 / CentOS8 / OEL8

VNC minimal server on RHEL8 / CentOS8 / OEL8

With the update to version 8 (or, if to be accurate, according to common documentations, 8.3 and above), VNC configuration has had a major overhaul, and it is entirely different. Most documentations will refer to using ‘gnome’ as the desktop manager, however – if you want something lightweight with minimal impact (both package-wise and performance-wise),…


Linux LVM explained

You can find bazillion sites explaining Linux LVM, however, I am preparing for my next article, about partition resize for the advanced user, and LVM deep understanding is required, so I have decided to explain some of the internals of LVM for the advanced user. This explains the how it is built more than the…