Gain Control of the Storage Controller Loading Order

Gain Control of the Storage Controller Loading Order

I encountered an intriguing issue recently after replacing my motherboard. Some block devices underwent a change in their order, causing /dev/sda to appear as /dev/sdy due to a modification in the PCI-e enumeration. This change, though seemingly insignificant, led to an unexpected consequence. Since the disk was subject to a specific mdadm filter, its altered…

RedHat/OEL 8 self-repo “package is filtered out by modular filtering”

RedHat/OEL 8 self-repo “package is filtered out by modular filtering”

RedHat introduced using modules in DNF on RHEL version 8 (and above). This opens very interesting new options, however, sometimes – a quick-n-dirty repo is needed. An example – for offline systems, a repo of already installed packages (on exactly similar system) is created for later use. This used to work well on RHEL version…