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Stateless Systems (diskless, boot from net) on RHEL5/Centos5

I have encountered several methods of doing stateless RedHat Linux systems. Some of them are over-sophisticated, and it doesn’t work. Some of them are too old, and you either have to fix half the scripts, or give up (which I did, BTW), and after long period of attempts, I have found my simple-yet-working-well-enough solution. It…

Disable IPv6 on RHEL5 or Centos5

Recently, bonding module requires IPv6 module. There are two possible solutions. The first is to define zeroconf to off, by adding the following line to /etc/sysconfig/network : NOZEROCONF=yes The other method, which actually disables IPv6 is to insert into /etc/modprobe.conf the following line: options ipv6 disable=1 That should do the trick. You will need to…

Don’t try it at home – NetApp SnapMirror network-free Seeding

Well, this is rather common. Network-free seeding is being performed through using a tape device. What happens if you do not have a tape device? We have the poor-man’s huge TB disks (SATA for the people) connected to simple PC systems, but no tape… We perform network-free seeding into disk. There is a utility called…