An excellent alternative to ‘rsync’ for backups to cloud
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An excellent alternative to ‘rsync’ for backups to cloud

I have been using NextCloud for a long while now. It is a smart solution, and although I do not like its agent (I’ve had many problems with it around Hebrew file names on multiple types of operating systems, which never matured enough for a full bug description and details) – for an easy access…

Viewing OracleASM attributes (including hidden)

Viewing OracleASM attributes (including hidden)

A nice and informative note about how to obtain OracleASM attributes, including “hidden attributes” can be found here. Including the special attribute “_rebalance_compact” which affects the post-rebalance ‘compact’ ASM operation, when altering DiskGroups (per-DiskGroup, of course). Just a reminder about this specific attribute – when ASM performs rebalance operation (adding or dropping disks) it attempts…

qemu-kvm: file driver requires to be a regular file for ZFS volume

qemu-kvm: file driver requires to be a regular file for ZFS volume

After one of the recent updates, a few KVM-based systems could not boot anymore. I am using ZFS for my emulated block devices, and I was happy with that until recently. Now – VMs won’t start, showing the error message in this post’s header. The source of the problem is rather nasty – qemu update…