xterm -fg white: Warning: Color name “white” is not defined

I’ve had problem with color names ever since around the time I’ve upgraded to Xorg 7.0 This problem as been annoying, but it was acceptable, just until lately. I’ve discovered that a required file /etc/X11/rgb.txt was involved, and was required for X to understand color mappings. For some reason, although x11-common 7.0.20 was supposed to…

Windows Genuine Validation for Corporate

In Corporate environment, when by mistake you install the WGA Validation update of late, you will be nagged about activating your Windows. A solution I’ve found for this from the comments in this web site, suggested the following: %windir%system32wgatray.exe /u Remove the following Registry tree: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotifyWgaLogon After reboot, you will not get the nagging…

SBS2000 and AD looks as if it’s down

My managed SBS2000 had some warnings regarding NTFrs: Event Type: ErrorEvent Source: NtFrsEvent Category: NoneEvent ID: 13561Date: 6/2/2006Time: 2:32:55 PMUser: N/AComputer: MYDCDescription:The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set "DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)" is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR. Replica set name is : "DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)" Replica root path is : "c:winntsysvoldomain"…

Hard Freeze when Using FireFox, Unison-GTK, and some other GTK apps

Hard freezes are unpleasant at best. They also prevent you from tracking the source of the problem. You speculate, based on the "familly" of applications you encounter problems with, and try to obtain some resolution. At first it was FireFox. I’ve removed it to install Galeon instead. Didn’t help. I left it at that, and…

reason: 550 Requested action not taken: Nonstandard SMTP line terminator.

I have encountered this problem on my own personal mail server only once a while. It’s ratehr rare, and happends only when sending mail to some specific domains. My first notion was based on the claim that if it works for anywhere except for these one or two domains, the problem is with these one…