
Quick and dirty delete old files, with exclude list and support for filenames with spaces

Here’s a little script I’ve written which deletes older than AGE days files, and has an exclude list, just in case. It’s meant to be run by cron on a daily basis: #!/bin/sh # Source of all evil DIR=/ftp # Age of file in days AGE=10 # Exclude list – Use pipe (|) seperated values….

Windows Genuine Validation for Corporate

In Corporate environment, when by mistake you install the WGA Validation update of late, you will be nagged about activating your Windows. A solution I’ve found for this from the comments in this web site, suggested the following: %windir%system32wgatray.exe /u Remove the following Registry tree: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotifyWgaLogon After reboot, you will not get the nagging…

Linux as a WAN router

I will discuss the issue of placing a Linux machine as a router, and some special cases where things might play a bit different. The most common scenario is of placing the Linux as some sort of PPP or DHCP-via-cables router. It might look like this: In this picture, the Linux machine actually recieves, via…