Forgot to mention kernel update
Kernel version, so I will supply its config file here config- Same procedure as before.
Good luck.
Kernel version, so I will supply its config file here config- Same procedure as before.
Good luck.
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History file is a great source of information, either if you do not remember your past actions, or if you are not a single administrator of a system, and you need to figure out what has been performed on it in the past. Unfortunately, history is not a very reliable source of information – the…
I have encountered several methods of doing stateless RedHat Linux systems. Some of them are over-sophisticated, and it doesn’t work. Some of them are too old, and you either have to fix half the scripts, or give up (which I did, BTW), and after long period of attempts, I have found my simple-yet-working-well-enough solution. It…
This is a problem which bugs the Internet. Many solutions were suggested. All of them work sometimes (like making sure that the permissions on the private/public SSH key files are correct). One solution which never gets mentioned is about DNS. When attempting login to a remote server, the server attempts to resolve the connecting address…
When you need to troubleshoot SMTP issues, it is a known fact that a simple telnet to port 25 of the SMTP server in question would get you far. It will get you to see the problems. When connecting to Office365 ( to relay mail, and you want to check how things work, you can…
On most cases, when preparing a recovery server, you can just ‘tar’ the entire server’s contents and just move it, along with a short recipe on how to rebuild the original partition layout (software Raid? LVM? flat partition tables?), how to mount volumes in-place, how to extract the tar files into the right locations, and…
When I’ve created my setup (displayed below), I took into account the possibility of disconnection, or process fall, and I’ve left pppd to deal with it, by trying to connect just as it has fallen down. It was a good solution for the scenarios where there is a temporary, short timed disconnection. It fails to…