DBMail, the hard way

I’ve been using DBMail as my own personal mail server for a long while now. I’ve known the software ever since it’s 1.x release, and been using it for its great benefits – Quick and accessible large IMAP folders (and I have over 60,000 items in there). DBMail is a filtering backend for server based…

Something else today

Well, during the weekend, I got rather lazy. I haven’t done half the things I’ve had in mind, so I tried to spend some of today for the sake of these things. Nada. Wasted my time on work, and work, and then some more work, I’ve done nothing useful whatsoever. During night time, I’ve decided…

Linux Vservers, and stuff

I’ve had the "pleasure" of reconfiguring Linux Vservers (virtual servers, kernel level, etc), to add additional IP addresses to each. Although this setup is old, and I wouldn’t dare change it to anything else (not on a production server, running 3 vservers, each running 400 hosted sites, etc), so I’ve checked the scripts, and so…