My PSP – Oh my Portabale PlayStation!
I pause for a small unrelated island of happiness. I’ve bought PSP few month ago, and due to some issues with minor language bugs, I’ve upgraded its firmware, through its built-in interface, to a newer level. I had 1.50, and I’ve upgraded to 1.52. It was a major mistake. It seems there was (and still is) no known buffer overrun in this firmware version, which prevents the running of legitimate pieces of code on the PSP. I’ve searched for either some exploit which will allow running code on the machine, or for firmware downgrader. Searched on the net, of course. There was nothing. Version 2.0 of the PSP’s firmware has risen, and still – no buffer overrun was found.
Now it has – on version 2.0, a buffer overrun was found, which enabled the process of downgrading the system’s firmware to an older version, namely, 1.50. I’ve upgraded to 2.0, and followed these instructions. Besides, using this site for updates proves to just hit the spot – I get all the info and homebrew applications I want.
After performing the so longed for downgrade, I am now able to run homebrew applications and games, and I enjoy it much.
These few pictures for an example:
And this