A new heir for the *nix family
While he would require some ramp-up, this is the new guy in our technical group. He is a newbie, but I’m sure he will grow to be a great technical person, putting his father way behind.

While he would require some ramp-up, this is the new guy in our technical group. He is a newbie, but I’m sure he will grow to be a great technical person, putting his father way behind.
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I have been quiet during the last few days as I was playing with WordPress Mu as a solution for containing several WordPress sites, with one management interface. This is an amazing product, and following my implementation, about 18 blogs are already there. My site required some special handling. As you know, my URL was…
It is an amazing news to me. I really love XenServer. I think that Citrix were able to make a good use of Linux mechanisms for the purposes of virtualization, without abusing the OS layer (like some of the other virtualization solutions did). The file locations are decent (for example – most parts are located…
Thanks to my charming wife, my blog has been redesigned to be somewhat more appealing. I have noticed that many of the techno-babble blogs or personal websites look bad. Usually – black on white at most. Sometimes, some awful design. I am proudly not part of *this* group anymore 🙂 Related posts: A new blog…
I’ve been under a huge trackback attack, and, to be honest, closed the whole comment mechanism by a mistake. It is now announced as open. I’ve noticed some of the later entries were to my ML110 and Linux post. Now, with comments available, you can feel free to ask for clarification, if needed. Cheers. Related…
As of today, I have switched back to using akismet and not the “Yawasp” plugin which was theoretically amazing, but as it seems – blocked too many legitimate comments, and allowed spam (only a little, but still). So you can feel free to comment whenever and however you want. I was disconnected for too long……
For those of you not familiar with Hebrew, this entry won’t say much. For those of you who are familiar with it, it might say more. HP Laptops are bundled with a pack of CDs, meant for easy reinstallation/recovery on their laptops. These CDs can be used as the quickest method to recover the…